

100 Years Grupo Herdez

Grupo Herdez is the leading producer of shelf-stable foods and one of the main players in the ice cream category in Mexico, as well as one of the leaders in the Mexican food category in the United States.

The Company participates in a wide range of categories including burritos, canned vegetables, guacamole, home style salsas, honey, ice cream, jam, ketchup, mayonnaise, mole, mustard, organic foods, pasta, spices, tomato puree, tuna fish, and tea, among others.

These products are marketed through an exceptional portfolio of brands, which include Aires de Campo®, Barilla®, Búfalo®, Chi-Chi’s®, Del Fuerte®, Don Miguel®, Doña María®, Embasa®, Helados Nestlé®, Herdez®, La Victoria®, McCormick®, Nutrisa®, Wholly Guacamole® and Yemina®.

Additionally, the Company has distribution agreements in Mexico for Herdez GoGo Squeez®, Kikkoman®, Ocean Spray®, Reynolds® and Truvía®.

Mission | To place quality foods and beverages within the reach of consumers, under brands of growing prestige and value.

Vision | Grupo Herdez aims to consolidate, grow and position itself as a leading company in the food and beverage industry, recognized for the quality of its products and the effectiveness of its efforts in satisfying consumers’ needs and expectations, within a framework of optimal consumer care and service, under strict profitability criteria, strategic potential and sustainability.

Values | Honesty, Achievement Focus, Teamwork and Trust.